Unanimous Approval: “Nicolae Gheorghe Square”, a Historic Decision in Romania

Tuesday, 09 April 2024
Unanimous Approval: “Nicolae Gheorghe Square”, a Historic Decision in Romania

The General Council of Bucharest Municipality approved, on February 29, 2024, the resolution project regarding the naming of the public space located at the intersection of Sfinții Apostoli and Dr. Raul Orleanu streets in Sector 4 as “Nicolae Gheorghe Square.” The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” is the first public space dedicated to an internationally renowned Roma personality who, throughout his career, stood out for his moral strength, dedication, and energy channelled into the process of recognizing Roma people as a national minority. This tribute to Nicolae Gheorghe’s personality and to his fight for human rights marks a new chapter in the historical reconciliation between the Roma minority and the majority population. The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” becomes a symbol of multiculturalism, inclusion, and democratic values. The request for naming the square was made by the Roma Education Fund, the civic platform Aresel, the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Association (REDI), and the European Roma...

New mandate for Zoran Dimov as President of IRU (2024 - 2028)

Tuesday, 09 April 2024
New mandate for Zoran Dimov as President of IRU (2024 - 2028)

At the 12th Congress of the IRU, which was held on April 4 and 5 in Skopje, Republic of S.Macedonia, the current President Zoran Dimov was elected as the President of the IRU again with a four-year term by the IRU delegates and members. The following have been elected as IRU Vice Presidents: Stefano Kuzicov (Sweden), Attila Stojka (Hungary), Punita Singh (India, Asia), Elisa Costa (Brazil, America), and Vice Presidents for Australia and the Russian Federation Artur Kvik will also be appointed soon. President of the IRU Parliament: Admir Ismanovski (Denmark), Secretary General: Ramush Muarem, Treasurer: Veli Husein (Croatia), Marja Eronen: Advisor to the IRU Cabinet Gheorghe Raducanu (Romania) - IRU Special Advisor on Political Strategy High Commissioner: Karina Daminovska (Denmark), Daniela Zamanova (Slovakia) - Deputy High Commissioner, Commissioners: Sumi Yusuke - language and culture, Lucica Tudor (Romania) for religion, Petar Šchuka (Czech Republic) - economy Richard Langstrom - Finland,...

On occasion April 8 meeting of the Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska and a delegation of the IRU led by the President Zoran Dimov and the delegate Lucika Tudor

Monday, 08 April 2024
On occasion April 8 meeting of the Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska and a delegation of the IRU led by the President Zoran Dimov and the delegate Lucika Tudor

The Mayor of the City of Skopje, Danela Arsovska, on the occasion of April 8, the International Day of the Roma, as the patron of the 12th Congress of the International Roma Union, with great respect addressed the participants from over 30 countries of the world, on behalf of the City of Skopje. congratulations on the holiday and the 53rd anniversary of the First Roma Congress. Throughout the year, through continuous activities, we demonstrate joint efforts to deal with challenges and act for the needs of the Roma community, as well as all other citizens. Today's day and its celebration symbolizes our respect for the Roma community, which is a significant part of our society. That's why we celebrate diversity and only with joint work and respect can we achieve greater progress for all citizens. Dear representatives of the Roma community in Macedonia, dear friends, I congratulate you on today's...

Šutka NEWS

After two years as prime minister, within a few da...

After two years as prime minister, within a few days Prime Minister Kovacevski will again be among the Roma, but this time with his daughter as a guest at the Roma Ball in Skopje

After 2 years as prime minister, the Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, who before that had never visited the Roma within a few days, is current for t...

Students and teachers in Shuto Orizari learned abo...

Students and teachers in Shuto Orizari learned about climate change and environmental protection

At least 150 Roma students from primary and secondary schools in Shuto Orizari participated in workshops to improve their health, climate change and e...

After yesterday's incident in Shuto Orizari, the M...

After yesterday's incident in Shuto Orizari, the Ministry of the Interior announced: Two minors were detained following a complaint of injury with a sharp object to a 14-year-old

Police officers from the Chair Internal Affairs Unit at SVR Skopje deprived two minors of their liberty, acting on a previous report on 13.12.2023. ar...

Column by Andriano Djeladin Roma News: Collectivit...

Column by Andriano Djeladin Roma News: Collectivity or individualism?

In recent days, months, years, social networks have been commenting on how Roma can find fault with Roma in order to harm some people's authority, inf...

The trial against four prison officers for beating...

The trial against four prison officers for beating a Roma prisoner in Idrizovo has begun and ended, for all four three-year suspended sentences.

Exactly after almost ten months, the trial against the four police officers employed in Idrizov has started these days. This was also informed by the...

Kurto Dudush - Kuco: "I leave it to the citiz...

Kurto Dudush - Kuco: "I leave it to the citizens of Š. Orizari to decide whether to fight in the next elections for a new mayoral mandate"

The web portal Roma Times continues with its series of exclusive interviews. This time with the current Roma mayor of the only Roma municipality in Eu...

О IRU si transparentno - Raporto ande decozienge ko vakti ikeriba o Mitingo taro Kabineto taro IRU - 03.07.2014, Hotel Kontinetal - Skopje

Sar kotor taro pire aktivitetia tari Internacionalno Romani Unia - IRU ko anglutno informiriba dži ko sa o membria taro Kabineto thaj IRU Presidiumi ko dive 03 juli 2017 berš ikergja pe Konferencia thaj mitingo.

O Mitingo sine an o Skopje, Makedonia.

O mitingio sine dujto kotor e Konferenciake anavkerdi sar " Phravdi Debata - Pulaja tumen . Den amen antvorto"

O dujto kotor taro 12:00 dži ko 17:00 o časo sine phanlo karakteri salde bašo IRU Presidium thaj Jabineto membria.


Ko mitingo than lele:

Zoran Dimov - IRU Presidento

Rosita Gronfosrs - Šef e IRU Komisenge

Ajten Berafla - Šef e Komisiake bašo edukacia thaj čhib

Khuram Khan - Šefi an i Komisia vash finasie 

Veli Husein - Sekretaro an o IRU Parlamenti 

Ramush Muarem - Gen sekretaro an o IRU  

Niazi Taip - Šef e Komisiake vash diaspora an i Australia


Ko jekh indirektno ko anglutno dendo propozalo kote si palal sa ande decizie taro IRU Kabineto dengje: 


Stefan Kuzichov - Vicepresidento an o IRU Parlamento  

Gregor Julson - Šefo e Komisake taro Romano Kriso 

Gerard Linder - Vicepresidento an o IRU

Gattan Puxon - Šefi e Komisiake avsh Demokrtasko Transicia a ko jekh prekal Skype komunikaca sine konektirime o 

Stevan Radul Balog - IRU Parlamentarno Presidento 

Aguš Demirovski - Šefi e Komisiake vash Jurisdikcia thaj Vicepresidento an o IRU


An o akava Mitingo tari rig e membronge sine diksusia ko buteder importantno pučiba an i konekcia e IRU-a thaj majtaransparentno funkcioniriba

Sar jekhto segmento diskusia sine i tema an i konekcia vash kerde atakia upral o IRU organizacia tari rig e agjaar notirime Lumiakiri federacia taro Roma.Savore džanaja kote olengoro nalegalno "Kongreso -Mitingo an o 17 juni 2017 berš an i Ungaria. Ko jekh diskutiringja pe kote trujal o nalegalno Kongreso an o Ungaria odoja Lumiakiri Federacia e Romenge thaj olakere persone kergje bare atakia upral o anav taro IRU thaj desave oleakere membria so notirinen sine hohavina, dezinformacie thaj diskreditacia e IRU-ske tari olengiri rig.

Odoleske o IRU Kabineto thaj o IRU Presidiumi nagja akaja 




O IRU ka startujnel kriseskoro akti mujal Lumiakiri Federacia e Romenge thaj o membria akale organizaciake : Jammie Sztojka , Irina Daniela Hamidović Mugureanu  thaj aver persone anglal lumiakere thaj aver relevan Kriso vash Jurisdikcia thaj avera internacionalno institucie sevepi informacie hohavne thaj natolerancia mujal o IRU tari olengiri rig . KO jekh ka aplicirinel pe akti anglal o Stejt Depratmento an o Vašington tno institucie krisoske , amajnglal anglal o Stejt Depratmento an o Vašington, la lerel o rajo Anatolij Butakov - Vicepresidento an o Romano Konsilo an i Amerika.


Ko jekh o IRU angja 



Sasto akava proceso te vazdel o Romano Tradicionalno Kriso  so si validno tari IRU rig kaskoro ofiso si aso o IRU Statuto an i Svedska - Stokholm.


Akale procesoske mujal i Lumiakiri Federacia e Romenge  te keren trubul o Timo so si legardo taro Šefo e Romane Krisoske o rajo Gregor Julson te formirinel timo respektabilno Krisaria taro diferentno thema. Formiriba thaj aplikacia starti akale Procesoske si maksimalno rokoa taro 30 divesa tari andi decizia.


Ko džiakanutne aktivitetia kotor taro IRU membria , o Kabineto thaj o Presidiumi baši majefektno aktiviteto e IRU Krisoske angja




vash majefektivno thaj transparentno aktiviteto e Romane Tradicionalno Krisoske , olakoro Šefo o Gregor Julson trujal formiriba o timo taro IRU Krisaria te informirinel e Time taro Romano Tradicionalno Kriso ka oven konektirime an o avutno Parlamentarno Mitingo taro IRU so si planirime ko duhto kotor taro masek septemvri 2017 berš.


Ko jekh an o mitingo taro IRU Kabineto thaj Presidiumi ko diskusie maškar o membria an o IRU an i konekcia e beršaskere aktivitetenge kergja pe diskusia te ikerel pe o Parlamentarno Mitingo - Sesia.

Notirime si kote taro o ukerdo agorutno 10-to IRU Kongreso ko mart 2016 berš thaj notiriba sar IRU Parlamentarno Presidento e Stevo Radul Balog thaj o IRU Statuto o rajo Balog nane lende nisave akcie te ikeren pe o Parlamentarno sesiemaškar o membria thaj IRU delegatia . Aso o diskusie taro IRU Kabineto thaj Presidiumo  a o dendo vaorba kaj o Presidento an o IRU Parlamento o Stevo Radul Balog kote avutno IRU Parlamentarno sesia ka ikerel pe an i Austria ko peridod septemvri 2017 berš.


Odoleske o diskusie maškar Presidiumo thaj IRU Kabineto angja akaja 






Del pe propozalo o Presidento an o IRU Parlamento o rajo Stivo Radul Balog aso o Statuto taro IRU te kerel o avutno Parlamentarno mitingo taro IRU delegatia majpalune terminea dujto kotor taro masek septemvri 2017 berš  agorutne rokoa 30 Septemvri 2017 berš


Ko jekh andi si decizia o IRU Parlamentarno Presidento Stivo Radul Balog ko ikeriba e Parlamentarno sesiake trubul te  akharel majhari delegatia taro 30 thema.


Te kerel vash sa akahrde persone hotelsko akomodacia thaj hape vash sa o divesa taro Parlamentarno dikhipa.


Trubul te učharel sa o transporti sa e personenge so ka aven ko akava Parlamentarno dikhiba an i Austria.


Trubul akala organizacisko obligacie aktivno te kerel kreacia an i Agenda e Parlamentarno mitingoske . O Paralemnto o Presidento thaj oleskoro timi ka keren koordinacia e Ofisea taro IRU.

Aso sa akala ande decizie trubul o Parlamentarno IRU Presidento Stevo Radul Balog te del poro propozalo vash Parlamentarno Mitingo majpaline dataja 30 juli 2017 berš.

Te na kergja odova propozalo thaj info kana thaj sar ka kerel o IRU Parlamentarno Mitingo an i Austria aso IRU Statuto o akti numero 9 thaj o akti numero 28 - nukta 2. (diskonekcia tari i IRU funkcia)


Ko majodorigutno diskusie an o IRU Kabineto thaj Presidiumi vash aktivitetia e IRU Holokasuti notiriba e Divesekeske 2- Avgusto  maškar o IRU Kabineto thaj Presdiumi andi si 




O IRU  pore delegaciaja te notirinel o 2-to Avgusto an o logoro Jasenovac - Hrvatska . 

Ko ka džal  an i Hrvatska ka anel pe definitivno decizia bašo 10 divesa


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