Unanimous Approval: “Nicolae Gheorghe Square”, a Historic Decision in Romania

Tuesday, 09 April 2024
Unanimous Approval: “Nicolae Gheorghe Square”, a Historic Decision in Romania

The General Council of Bucharest Municipality approved, on February 29, 2024, the resolution project regarding the naming of the public space located at the intersection of Sfinții Apostoli and Dr. Raul Orleanu streets in Sector 4 as “Nicolae Gheorghe Square.” The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” is the first public space dedicated to an internationally renowned Roma personality who, throughout his career, stood out for his moral strength, dedication, and energy channelled into the process of recognizing Roma people as a national minority. This tribute to Nicolae Gheorghe’s personality and to his fight for human rights marks a new chapter in the historical reconciliation between the Roma minority and the majority population. The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” becomes a symbol of multiculturalism, inclusion, and democratic values. The request for naming the square was made by the Roma Education Fund, the civic platform Aresel, the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Association (REDI), and the European Roma...

New mandate for Zoran Dimov as President of IRU (2024 - 2028)

Tuesday, 09 April 2024
New mandate for Zoran Dimov as President of IRU (2024 - 2028)

At the 12th Congress of the IRU, which was held on April 4 and 5 in Skopje, Republic of S.Macedonia, the current President Zoran Dimov was elected as the President of the IRU again with a four-year term by the IRU delegates and members. The following have been elected as IRU Vice Presidents: Stefano Kuzicov (Sweden), Attila Stojka (Hungary), Punita Singh (India, Asia), Elisa Costa (Brazil, America), and Vice Presidents for Australia and the Russian Federation Artur Kvik will also be appointed soon. President of the IRU Parliament: Admir Ismanovski (Denmark), Secretary General: Ramush Muarem, Treasurer: Veli Husein (Croatia), Marja Eronen: Advisor to the IRU Cabinet Gheorghe Raducanu (Romania) - IRU Special Advisor on Political Strategy High Commissioner: Karina Daminovska (Denmark), Daniela Zamanova (Slovakia) - Deputy High Commissioner, Commissioners: Sumi Yusuke - language and culture, Lucica Tudor (Romania) for religion, Petar Šchuka (Czech Republic) - economy Richard Langstrom - Finland,...

On occasion April 8 meeting of the Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska and a delegation of the IRU led by the President Zoran Dimov and the delegate Lucika Tudor

Monday, 08 April 2024
On occasion April 8 meeting of the Mayor of the City of Skopje Danela Arsovska and a delegation of the IRU led by the President Zoran Dimov and the delegate Lucika Tudor

The Mayor of the City of Skopje, Danela Arsovska, on the occasion of April 8, the International Day of the Roma, as the patron of the 12th Congress of the International Roma Union, with great respect addressed the participants from over 30 countries of the world, on behalf of the City of Skopje. congratulations on the holiday and the 53rd anniversary of the First Roma Congress. Throughout the year, through continuous activities, we demonstrate joint efforts to deal with challenges and act for the needs of the Roma community, as well as all other citizens. Today's day and its celebration symbolizes our respect for the Roma community, which is a significant part of our society. That's why we celebrate diversity and only with joint work and respect can we achieve greater progress for all citizens. Dear representatives of the Roma community in Macedonia, dear friends, I congratulate you on today's...

Šutka NEWS

After two years as prime minister, within a few da...

After two years as prime minister, within a few days Prime Minister Kovacevski will again be among the Roma, but this time with his daughter as a guest at the Roma Ball in Skopje

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Students and teachers in Shuto Orizari learned abo...

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After yesterday's incident in Shuto Orizari, the Ministry of the Interior announced: Two minors were detained following a complaint of injury with a sharp object to a 14-year-old

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Column by Andriano Djeladin Roma News: Collectivity or individualism?

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The trial against four prison officers for beating...

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Konkursi bašo 16-to Filmeskoro festivali Somnakaeskiri Rota 2018

Šerutne informacie 

O 16-to Romano filmsko festivali "Somnakaeskiri Rota! ka ikerel pe an o Skopje, Makedonia an o April 2018 berš.

O Festivali si legardo baši produkcia so si ki konekcia e Romencar an i sasti lumia. Sa o video produkcie (dokumentarno thaj TV filmia) , so si producirime taro Roma jali naRoma producentia si len niami te len than an o festivali

Agorutno roko te aplicirinen filmea si 28.02.2018 berš.

Regulacia bašo 16-to Romano Filmeskoro Festivali "Somanakeskiri Rota" - 2018 


1.   Saste inforamcie e Festivaleske, e filmenge 


     O dokumentarcia thaj o TV filmia so keren pe e Romenge  so sine jali na sikavde ko aver festivalia 

    O Programe ma te oven majlungeste taro 30 minutia. 

     O Video materiali so ka sikaven pe te ovel olen Anglikano komentari jali anglikano titlo, jali te sine an i orginalno versia te ovel translacia an i anglikani čhib.

   O Festivali "Somnakaeskiri rota" ka lel te sikavel bičhavde filmia an o formato DVD, CD, USB. MP4, USB-DVD formato.

     Nane limiti taro numero filmia so ka aplicirinen pe. Sako producento jali producensko ofiso jali TV šaj aplkicirinen filmoncar kobor so 

     Kana o filmi bičhavela pe, ov našti te ovel irame


2.     Sar šaj te den tumari programa 


    Ko festivali "Somnakaeskiri Rota" trubul te den ko DVD-USB  bašo o filmi thaj kompletno pherdo formulari majsig so šaj .

     I kontrola taro CD thaj DVD - USB formatia trubul te ovel anglikani sinhronizacia , translacia jali titlo.

     Akala informacie trubul te oven kana ka aplicirinen thaj dena o filmia:

Anglikani skripta e Programake English script of the program

Lista taro translacie e čhibjenge (Romane, Makedonikane thaj Anglikane)

Biografia e režiskereskiri 

Filmografia taro režiseri 

Tikni historia taro produkcisko kher

Promotivno materiali (Fotografie, posteria thaj aver)

Lista taro dialogia an i anglikani čhib

Te manglen te čhiven duj jali pobut filmia, keren kopia taro formulari bašo sako filmi individualno


3.     Selekcia e programake 


O mendažmento taro festivalo "Somnakaeskiri Rota" kerel selekcia e programake so ka oven čhivde an i oficialno festivaleskiri programa. Prioriteto ka resen okola so pheren o kriteriumia so del pe an i generalno informacia. Te alusargja pe o filmo o festivalo ka del informacia e aplikantoske , producentoske thaj e distributereske e filmoske.

O filmo te na khuvgja an i selekcia o producento, aplikanto thaj TV produkcia šaj kerel kontakto e organizatorea te šaj o filmo te sikavel pe an o TV.


4.     Autorizacia 


Pali oficialno selekcia e programake an o festivali "Somnakaeskiri Rota" si la dekreto te kerel: 

     Te istemalkeren trin minutora tari programa te sikavel ko desave, lokalno, nacionalno thaj internacionalno mediumia an o sajto taro Somnakaeskiri Rota jali an i sinema. 

  Kana  ka agorkerel o festivalo o organizatori šaj te del o filmi thaj oleskiri repriza  ko TV stasionia. Akalea o organizatori thaj o aplikanti ka parafirinen dekreto te šaj o filmo an o TV statsionia.

    Istemalkerel pe reklamno materiali baši promocia e festivaleske. 

    Garaven o bičhavde DVD/USB bašo nacirkularno reference thaj edukaciakere egzamplia an i arhiva thaj keriba katalogo sa e programenge so si bičhavde an o festivalo. 


5.     Transporto baši festivalsko programa 


Angleder o masek Marti 2018 berš dži ko festivalo trubul te resel i kopia te šaj o festivali "Somanakeskiri Rota" te čhivel ki pli programa i sasti skriningo thaj ka ovel informirime an o vakti o aplikanto so bičhavda i kopia. 

   O Transporto taro DVD/USB trubul te resel prekal Post / DHL , Fedex jali aver ekspres post sebepi sigurutetno transporto  

     Ano bičhavde DVD-USB filmia trubul ko lil te tergjol o anava ko bičhavel , sar si o anav e filmeskoro, kobor si lungo o materiali - minutia, si li an o koloro thaj aver info. 

   Vakerin thaj aplikacia kaj odova paketo DVD/USB si moldipasa thaj si komercialno materiali thaj i aver adresa so trubul te resel o DVD/USB. 

     O pukjipa e postake vaš olakoro transporto so trubul te resel an i Makedonia si upral o korkoro aplikanto 

     O Festivali nane te iranel o resle DVD/USB filmia 


6.     Akharina 


     Sa o akharina ka oven bičhavde prekal e mail 

    Sako so kamel te avel an o Festivalo trubul te pherel akreditacia palo resiba. O akreditacie ka šaj te len pe an o Ofiso e festivaleske. 



7.     Žiri  


     O Internacionalno žiri  si ekspertora an o TV thaj filmsko bizniso taro pendžarde thaj afirimirime profesionalcia tari sasti kulturno eštamblimi tari Romani jali naRomani nacionaliteti thaj ka nomirinien o materiali bašo phursakoja. 

    O numero taro kobor ka gejnel o žiri thaj membria ka ovel kerdo taro organizatori e Festivaleskoro 

    O oficialno žiri an o festivalo si si le tromalipa te havljarel ko ka legarel o phursakoja thaj o nominacie 

    I decizia taro Žiri si definitivno 


8.      Phursakia


Somnakaeskiri rota Jekhto phursako - Grand Prix  

Somnakaeskiri rota majšukar dokumentarno filmi 

o       Somnakaeskiri rota majšukar režia 

o       Somnakaeskiri rota majšukar scenario 

Somnakaeskiri rota baši Romani Dekada 

Phursako - Plaketa bašo jekh minutno video 


Kontakt informacie:  

O kopie, filmia an o DVD/USB thaj aver dokumentaciono materialia - formularia, aplikacie thaj baši korespodencia trubul te oven bičhavde an i adresa : 


SP BTR Produkcia 

Ul 376, nr 108 

1000 Skopje - Makedonia 

(Filmsko Festivali "Somnakaeskiri Rota - 2018")


Tel/fax + 389 2 3216 000; + 389 2 2656 901

e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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