
Serbia: "The owner of the gas station had justice in his hands regarding three minor Roma in Bela Crkva". The Initiative for the Minority of the Civic Association sends an open letter to Dacic and the Ministry of Interior

Through an open letter, the Initiative for the Minority of the Civic Association called on the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Minister Ivica Dačić to "take legal action" against the owner of the gas station in the municipality of Bela Crkva and the members of his family - son-in-law and daughter, "who hold justice in their hands "and harassed young Roma aged 12, 14 and 16 since they broke into the store.

Three underage Roma stole four cans of juice and 9,000 dinars, (around 65 euros), for which they were "taken by force to an abandoned house in Bela Crkva where they were beaten".

One of the boys also had his nose broken - there is a medical report for that, their blood was changed with cold water, and they were threatened that they would be executed with a gun, according to the press release.

The boys were then taken to the pumps that I had stolen and were given clippers to cut each other's hair.

One of the boys is a citizen of Germany, so the Initiative of the Association of Civil Minorities simultaneously appeals to the Embassy of the Republic of Germany to provide legal protection to its minor citizen, a sixteen-year-old who is a participant in that event.

International organizations for the protection of children, UNICEF, Save the Children, Eurochild, will be asked to take steps to follow up on this case.

As he states, the minority initiative will also submit a statement to the institutions of the European Union, considering that one of the boys is a citizen of an EU member state.

"Those children who, according to their own admission, committed theft at that pump could have been reported to the police, and their act legally looked into, but for citizens to take justice into their own hands and mistreat minor children is unacceptable." for a country that is a constitutional republic", said the Initiative of Minorities in the appeal to Minister Dacic.

It is emphasized that the whole case "is additionally burdened by the fact that it deals with Roma children".

"And here new questions arise - is the abuse by the family members of the pump owner really on a racial basis and at the same time is it possible to somehow discipline the Roma in Serbia, to instill fear in their bones." , to scare them to the point of never feeling safe", the press release says.


"I don't rent to Roma!" Czech Trade Inspection Authority discovers discrimination against Romani renters by a residential hotel, no fine levied against the owner

The Czech Trade Inspection Authority (ČOI) has undertaken a series of audits focused on revealing discrimination against consumers in the Czech Republic during the second quarter of 2024. Forty audits were undertaken between 1 April and 30 June 2024; discriminatory treatment was discovered in three. The cases concerned discrimination on the basis of race, sex and other factors. The ČOI issued a press release about its findings on 14 August. So far this year inspectors have revealed eight such cases. One pertained to an audit of a residential hotel facility, where the inspector performed a simulated reservation for four Romani adults.

“The entrepreneur whom we contacted said that would be a problem because she had had very bad experiences [with other Romani tenants] and she ultimately refused to accommodate them,” the ČOI reported in its press release. The consumer protection law forbids tradespeople from discriminating against customers when providing services or selling products and forbids them to differentiate among customers on the basis of age, disability, ethnic origin or sex.



Macedonia: In Probishtip, discrimination against Roma and ban on entry to swimming pools

These days on the social network FB, the web portal Roma Press shared a short video by a certain Mustafa Gyuner, a Roma from Macedonia with a temporary stay in Germany. In the shared video on FB recorded by his mobile phone, he accuses the employees of the city pool in Probishtip of discriminating against him and his family and not allowing him to enter the pool. As he himself says, it is because he is Roma, and the employees justify that it is because he and his family do not have reservations. As Güner mentions, none of those present have reservations, but that act is pure discrimination.

This is not the first time that Roma are not allowed in swimming pools, and in the past there have been such cases of discrimination based on national grounds.

Romani filmmakers tell Disney: We want real Romani people in the live action remake of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, involve Romani people in the creative team!

"We aren't mythical creatures! We are Roma!"

That was the motto recently used by Romani activists and filmmakers calling on The Walt Disney Company to cast actors with Romani roots in the planned live action remake of their animated 1996 version of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”. According to Robert Poupátko, a screenwriter and member of Tuke.TV, which initiated the action, the challenge was born of frustration with the longterm nature of the insufficient, stereotypical portrayals of Romani people in film and the media. The call has been joined by the British director Lisa Smith, screenwriter Damian Le Bas, producer Alica Sigmund Heráková of Tuke.TV and others. “I read an article reporting that Josh Gad, who is also the producer of this live action version, will play Quasimodo. I was not happy to hear that news. In the Disney version of this story, Quasimodo is a Romani man, so a Romani man should play him,” Poupátko told news server

“I was frustrated by how films and serials constantly depict us. Then [Tomáš Magnusek] made a fourth film in the ‘Bastards’ (Bastardi) series and I lost patience. I knew it was important to put this call out in the public space, no matter what,” said the screenwriter and member of Tuke.TV.

Poupátko explained in an interview for that the main aim of the call is to achieve authentic depictions of Romani characters in feature films. He emphasized the importance of involving Romani people not just on camera, but also in the creative team and as consultants.

He has also been criticizing the fact that the Romani roots of famous characters from the Marvel Universe, such as Dr. Doom and Wanda Maximoff, are being ignored [Marvel Studios is one of the six production companies that make up The Walt Disney Studios]. “Disney ignores us regularly. The most famous [examples of Romani culture being ignored in Marvel] are Wanda Maximoff and Dr. Doom. Their powers come from their Romani origin, from their roots,” Popátko said.

The Walt Disney Company announced in 2019 that it is filming a live action remake of the classic 1996 animated Disney film “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, based on the novel by Victor Hugo. At the time the company said it would be a musical and that Alan Menken, who composed the music for the original animated film, would compose music for the live action version together with Stephen Schwartz.

The screenplay is being written by David Henry Hwang. The actor Josh Gad is producing.

In mid-2023, according to the media, work on the film stopped and it is not clear whether it will ever be completed. “The film is in limbo for now. That doesn’t mean it will never be made, though. Josh Gad is still promoting it and says the project isn’t dead. All we can do is wait,” Poupátko told





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