The opponents of racism are racists - current and former Czech Presidents show their anti-democratic colors to the world

Miloš Zeman, when visiting the American Ambassador, criticized the "opinion leaders" associated with these protests against racism, saying he doesn't need any new "Big Brothers" to tell him which values to hold. We are not surprised that Zeman said he needs no "opinion leaders", since he himself has an entire herd he is busy leading.

He then labeled the slogan of the American protests, "Black Lives Matter", a racist slogan. No, that is not a misquote.

Zeman consciously attacked those opposed to racism. Proof of that is his allegation that "society" in the Czech Republic and in the United States is currently facing attacks on the "independence" of their citizens.

"We cannot ignore this danger, we must counter it," Zeman said. This alleged "attack on the independence of citizens" actually consists of the fact that some citizens have had enough of racism and xenophobia, which of course is in accordance with the vision of democracy expressed by the Constitution and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in this country



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