Serbia - A11: Nestorović continues to insult the Roma

Due to the fact that Nestorović does not miss an opportunity to express his racism, A 11 - Initiative for Economic and Social Rights has just supplemented its official complaint to the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, originally sent after the scandalous statements of this MP in the hall of the National Assembly.

Namely, after calling the members of the second parliamentary group "Gypsies" and their behavior "gypsy" in order to humiliate them at the constituent session on February 6, Nestorović continued to insult the Roma national minority by spreading discrimination on a national scale. In the morning program of "Happy" television, MP Nestorović said in a conversation with the interlocutor last Thursday: "Look, now I'm going to tell you something, since it really has come to an end, when we have to face the Gypsies at the trial...", which was recorded on a publicly available recording of the guest appearance.

His statement is a direct violation of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, as well as the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of National Minorities. Due to the fact that we are talking about the continuation of discriminatory views about Roma men and women, there is a clear basis for a more serious form of discrimination.

Initiative A 11 has never and never will remain silent on this kind of spreading of racial hatred, "dressed" as a joke or a common term used among friends in the group. When he already has shameful attitudes about Roma men and women, Branimir Nestorović should at least refrain from these outbursts in public.

A large part of the public has already called Nestorović to account. It is justified to suspect that a person who was voted by a part of the citizens in the elections - enough to enter the National Assembly - is deliberately provoking the public with such statements. Another option is that he is completely unaware of his behavior, which is just as troubling.



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