
"Zofia's Roma Balkan Food" book by Zofia Selimi from Sweden

Zofia Selimi is very popular on social networks where she presents her cooking skills through video demonstrations. She is a Roma woman living in Sweden, Stockholm.

She has many followers and fans of her famous Balkan and Roma cuisine and food.

She recently published her book entitled "Zofia's Romany Balkan Food". This is something I have kept secret for a long time for many different reasons (you can read why in the book). A feeling of relief and excitement at the same time, but also joy and pride that is hard to describe

Through my book "Zofia's Roma Balkan Food" I want to create a community and a sense of belonging. I firmly believe that food and music bring us all together around the dinner table.

I hope that my book can contribute to a greater understanding of the Roma community and inspire others to be proud of their culture and origin,





Romani torta

Hazrkeriba kalo humer:

O puteri thaj o šekeri heminen pe thaj čhivel pe bilando čokolada. Kana heminel pe palo odova čjivel pe o karo. Lo pdpja masa čhivel pe naljušpimo bademi thaj pišimo - melimo keksi. Ko šukar makhlo kalapi čhivel pe o humer an i tati rerna jekh 50 minutia te pekjol an i temepratura taro  180-200 °C...

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