RDS: We Are Ready to Run in Every Roma Constituency for MP!

The euphoria of "Parliamentary Elections 2020" in our country, apparently, does not pass even the Roma political bloc. Mathematical calculations and calculations do not pass either the current Roma political leaders or the newly created Roma political protagonists.


Also here are the so-called. Roma civil sector, which until yesterday "declared itself as an NGO sector, which is slowly" metastasized "into political waters.

The only response to the whole situation is the Roma Democratic Union - RDS, which has so far declared itself a national movement, but is already thinking deeply about its political engagement.


Knowing the structure and capacities of the current tried and tested Roma political "rulers" as well as potential candidates who want to enter the "political waters", the RTS is currently devising a strategy and plan for eventual entry into the pre-election race following these parliamentary elections. all logic can happen on April 12 this year.

The RDS emphasizes that it is well aware of the structure of the problems and at the same time resolving them, the Roma community in the country will easily recognize the sincere intentions and commitments of the RDS movement.


That is why they are ready to cast their lists on all constituencies in the country, and according to the amplitude of supporters, Roma representatives from the RTS can easily be removed from the next legislative assembly.


But one thing is for sure yet they have not stated their determination that a political option from the Macedonian bloc, would make possible cooperation, or more popularly - coalition.


As they say from the RDS, they are very much in favor of this step, because they are confident in their capacities, and also in the profile of the candidates themselves that they will offer in this parliamentary election.

As they say in the near future, we will know all the further steps that the RDS will take, which for the sake of truth is sure and fast approaching precisely that period.

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