Elvis Shaqiri is a recipient of the US State Department's Global Champions Against Racism Award

Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Elvis Shaqiri is a recipient of the US State Department's Global Champions Against Racism Award

Elvis Shaqiri, one of the founders of Romalitiko, an organization dedicated to the representation of the Roma in North Macedonia, is the winner of the Global Anti-Racism Champions (GARC) award given by the US State Department. Shaqiri, the award announcement said, played a key role in ending Roma statelessness and helped many Roma navigate complex administrative systems to access social services. His lifelong commitment to the Roma led to significant legislative progress. He holds a master's degree in human rights from the Central European University. The US State Department's Global Champions Against Racism award honors and recognizes Elvis Shaqiri for his efforts to advance Roma rights and fight discrimination against Roma in North Macedonia. Established in 2023, the Global Champions Against Racism (GARC) Award honors civil society individuals globally who have demonstrated exceptional courage, strength, leadership and commitment to advancing the human rights of members of marginalized racial, ethnic and...

He threw a kashikara bomb in front of the PCER office in Tetovo, and returned to see why it didn't explode

Monday, 21 October 2024
He threw a kashikara bomb in front of the PCER office in Tetovo, and returned to see why it didn't explode

Early this morning, in front of the Club of the Party for the Complete Emancipation of the Roma, which is located in a cafe in Tetovo, a hand bomb was thrown, which fortunately did not explode. The perpetrator first broke one glass of the door and left the bomb there. But since it didn't explode, he went back to check if the bomb had been detonated. After he failed to activate it, he left. All this was recorded on the security cameras of the surrounding buildings. The president of PCER Samka Ibraimovski does not know why someone wanted to demolish their club and for now he does not see a political background in this act. "At 4:23 a.m. the person came here, broke the glass, threw the bomb, it didn't explode, so he had the courage to go back to see if the bomb was activated or not." Luckily it...

The documentary film dedicated to Saban Bajramović - "My Journey" has been officially selected for the Film Awards at the "Prism" Film Festival in Rome, Italy.

Monday, 14 October 2024
The documentary film dedicated to Saban Bajramović - "My Journey" has been officially selected for the Film Awards at the "Prism" Film Festival in Rome, Italy.

The first shooting for the film began in 2008. A lot of material was shot, but the director Zeljko Mirkovic made the film the way they imagined it "He earned millions and spent everything. He did not seek fame, but became a legend, a king and an emperor. He was guided by love and freedom throughout his life. He sang about life as it was given to him...", with these words the director Zeljko Mirkovic introduced his new documentary "My Journey". Its realization will bring viewers closer to the life and creativity of the inimitable musician Shaban Bajramović from a special angle. The film is produced by "Optimist Film" and lasts 80 minutes, and Mirkovic, whose works have won as many as 58 international awards, reveals that he worked on this documentary for more than 10 years. "Saban Bajramović is the Odysseus of freedom. Like the ancient hero Odysseus, he...

Šutka NEWS

He threw a kashikara bomb in front of the PCER off...

He threw a kashikara bomb in front of the PCER office in Tetovo, and returned to see why it didn't explode

Early this morning, in front of the Club of the Party for the Complete Emancipation of the Roma, which is located in a cafe in Tetovo, a hand bomb was...

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Deputy Minister of Local Self-Government Erdjan Selimi at the closing event in Nis, on the occasion of the "European Week of Opportunities"

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The Roma community in Macedonia got another lawyer...

The Roma community in Macedonia got another lawyer - Emran Ismail

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FaLang translation system by Faboba

Од 5 Ноември 2022 достапен документарниот филм на СП БТР „Небо, Точак, Земја„ на Max TV и Max TV GO со пребарување –Видеотека


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