Šutka NEWS

The government proposed to the Parliament 20 names of deputy ministers, among them two Roma, Nezhdet Mustafa and Erdjan Selimi.

The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia submitted to the Parliament 20 names for deputy ministers, thus completing the government team. Two Roma deputy ministers have been proposed in the government team.

Nezhdet Mustafa is proposed as deputy minister in the Ministry of Community Relations. Mustafa is a graduate professor of philosophy. From 1996 to 2002, he was the mayor of the Municipality of Shuto Orizari. Then he was part of the Macedonian assembly as a member of parliament, and from 2006 to 2017 he was appointed Minister without Portfolio - National Coordinator of the Decade and Strategy for the Roma.

Erdjan Selimi is proposed as deputy minister in the Ministry of Local Self-Government. Selimi has a master's degree in political science. From 2009 to 2014, he was an adviser in the cabinet of the minister without portfolio. From 2014 to 2024 he was a civil servant in the General Secretariat of the Government, and from 2017 to 2024 he was a councilor in the Council of the City of Skopje.

Otherwise, Shaban Saliu was previously appointed as Minister without portfolio in this government.

Three women were injured in an accident at TC Mavrovska - A bus crashed into a planter

For now, it is not known how the accident happened and whether there were passengers in the vehicle at the time of the impact.

Three women were injured today in the traffic accident, which happened near the "Mavrovka" shopping center, after a bus ran off the road and crashed into a planter.

The Emergency Medical Service confirmed that three women were injured, one of whom complained of hip pain, and the other two suffered minor injuries. All three were transported by ambulance to the "Sveti Naum Ohridski" Clinic.



Three women were injured in an accident at TC Mavrovska - A bus crashed into a planter

For now, it is not known how the accident happened and whether there were passengers in the vehicle at the time of the impact.

Three women were injured today in the traffic accident, which happened near the "Mavrovka" shopping center, after a bus ran off the road and crashed into a planter.

The Emergency Medical Service confirmed that three women were injured, one of whom complained of hip pain, and the other two suffered minor injuries. All three were transported by ambulance to the "Sveti Naum Ohridski" Clinic.



Until Friday, private buses in Skopje will run only until 10 a.m., they need funding to continue operating

Part of the private bus carriers in Skopje until the end of this week will only drive until 10 am. This is, as they say, a warning and they require payment of finance so they can continue driving. According to them, since January of this year they have taken only a part of the funds and because they have not been paid for the service they provide.

Some of them, as they say, had a meeting with the director of the Public Transport Company "Skopje", who has now already been dismissed from his position, and from whom they received a promise that they would gradually be paid the arrears. That way, as they say, their debt will be fully paid by September.

They say that they have no announcement about what will happen after his dismissal.

Private carriers ceased to be part of the city's public transport in November 2022 due to debts that they demanded to be paid by the City of Skopje. In late November and early December, more than 300 buses parked at key intersections blocked the capital.

Mayor Danela Arsovska denied that the city has a debt to private companies, and last year she said that she is sure that the City of Skopje can function without private bus carriers.



FaLang translation system by Faboba

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