The Director of the Market Inspectorate, Goran Trajkovski, announced a STOP for serving alcohol to minors, the intensified field controls continue!

The director of the State Market Inspectorate, Goran Trajkovski, informed that during the past weekend the market inspectorate, in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior, carried out action controls in catering establishments where parties for minors (junior parties) are organized, during which it was ascertained that alcohol was being poured and sold at minors.

- I would like to point out that serving alcohol to minors is a crime, and the fines for those caterers who are caught serving alcohol to minors are rigorous and range up to 4,000 euros. In addition to fines, fines for a ban on work for a period of one month are imposed, and for repeating the crime, a complete ban on work may follow. I appeal to this phenomenon to stop immediately! I address the appeal to caterers, but also to parents. Parents, talk to children about the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, because it is about their well-being and health, Trajkovski announced.

The head of the DPI emphasized that together with his colleagues from the inspectorate, but also with other competent institutions, they will continue to implement intensive joint actions in order to prevent such developments.

- Anyone who violates the law will not be spared from the imposition of an appropriate sanction, Trajkovski is decisive.

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