Přerov, Czech Republic: Hundreds of Romani people peacefully protest outside police station, demanding investigation of assault on a little girl, police are investigating

More than 100 Romani people arrived a few days ago in front of the police station in Přerov, Czech Republic and peacefully asked officers to receive a report of a crime from the mother of a little girl who was allegedly threatened that afternoon by two other children using a knife. According to the Romani community members, the children who assaulted the little girl are from Ukraine.

According to the police spokesperson, the police have been investigating the case since yesterday afternoon. “Two or three kids assaulted the little girl and allegedly waved a knife at her. She became afraid and began shouting. Other guys who were there stood up for her and then they all began to run away,” local Romani community member Ivan Kandráč described the incident to news server Romea.cz. The girl’s mother went to the police and wanted to file a crime report, but according to her, the policewoman who dealt with her allegedly belittled the entire situation. According to Kandráč, the communication of the police with the mother was unprofessional.

Link: https://romea.cz/en/czech-republic/prerov-czech-republic-dozens-of-romani-people-peacefully-protest-outside-police-station-demanding-investigation-of-assault-on-a-little-girl-police-are-investigating

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