11 years since the controversial title of the Russian journalist and accused as a foreign agent Alsou Kurmasheva "Gypsy woman cannot be the face of Russia"

"A gypsy cannot be the face of Russia", with this title, in 2013, the story of Alsou Kurmasheva was taken, which she originally published on Radio Free Europe in Russian after the contest for Miss Russia with the title "The winner of Miss Russia, ethnic Tatar woman, the target of insults on the Internet", after the winner of this beauty contest, Elmira Abdrzakova, was declared the most beautiful in the Russian Federation, and especially after she was subjected to an unprecedented harassment of hate speech and threats on social networks.

This text by Alsou Kurmasheva was just one of many by her and some of her colleagues in the Russian media that year, in 2013, began to warn of the great growth of nationalism with outbreaks of fascism in Russia. She is the second American journalist detained in Russia in 2023, following Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.

Alsou Kurmasheva is accused of not declaring herself a "foreign agent", a charge that carries a prison sentence of up to five years.

In the conditions in which Russia now finds itself, no one can say how long the journalist Kurmasheva will be in custody until she declares that she is a "foreign agent", and to make the absurdity even more drastic, if she confesses she will face a prison term of at least 5 years. This is expected by Alsou Kurmasheva according to the law that Putin passed in 2019 by which Russia tightened the laws on media and non-governmental organizations that can be qualified as "foreign agents"

Link: https://racin.mk/analizi/cziganka-ne-mozhe-da-bide-licze-na-rusija/



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