Romani participants on Czech "reality" TV show now receiving death threats, claim they were manipulated by producers

The family is also alleging that the TV Nova producers pressured Petra into discussing the welfare benefits the family receives during the taping. The death threats read as follows: “You black, lazy fucks are living off of our taxes. I would shoot all you black gypsy monkeys dead because you don’t work and you cost us CZK 110 billion annually. Your daughter is already as fat as a pig, by the time she’s 20 she’ll weigh 150 kg. Somebody else pays for you to stuff yourselves and live where you do. You black whores, you’ll be dead of cancer in one year. DEATH to all black mugs living on our taxes!!!!!”

“When I read that letter I felt sick. I knew, when my girlfriend and I went on ‘Wife Swapping’, that everybody would criticize us, but I never anticipated that somebody would send something so disgusting to my address. I don’t know what such a person is capable of, so we are afraid, after all, we have two young children,” Marian (25) told news server

The main “subject” of the episode, which was thoroughly covered on the websites of different tabloid news servers and on the Facebook profile of “Wife Swapping” (in Czech, Výměny manželek) even before it aired, is the fact that Marian has not had a job for the last five years and lives on welfare. Petra said during the taping that they receive almost CZK 27,000 [EUR 1,065] per month in benefits and survive on that without any problems.


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