The Commissioner of Serbia demands that MP Nestorović apologize to the Roma

The member of parliament of the group "We are the people's power" in the Serbian Parliament, Branimir Nestorović, broke the law and insulted Roma and Roma women with statements on national television, and he is obliged to apologize publicly, is the opinion of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality regarding the complaint submitted by the "Initiative A11".

On June 13, the non-governmental organization "Initiative A11" announced on its website that it filed a complaint after Nestorović "made discriminatory statements on Happy TV on February 22 that match the equally worrying views about Roma that he previously expressed in the National Assembly."

"In the program of the aforementioned television, Nestorović used the word "Gypsies" in a derogatory manner, in accordance with the widespread stereotypes that prevail about members of the Roma national minority. Also, in the hall of the National Assembly, he called the representatives of the opposition "Gypsies" and their behavior "gypsies". , openly sending racist and discriminatory messages about Roma men and women".


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