The holy month of Ramadan has begun

Today, the month of Ramadan began for Muslims, in which believers of the Islamic faith around the world fast during the daylight hours. Fasting ends with Eid.

Ramadan is a month of purification of the spirit, mind and body in which Muslims give up food, drink and other bodily pleasures, do not commit immoral acts and avoid anger.

The goal is to come out of Ramadan better, healthier, with sins forgiven. The first day of fasting is on Monday, March 11, and the last on April 9.

Every year, Ramadan starts 10 to 12 days earlier because the Islamic calendar is actually a lunar Hijri calendar where months have 29 or 30 days.

On the occasion of Ramadan, most of the heads of the Islamic religious community sent a message to the believers, indicating that by fasting the believer in practice confirms the connection with his Creator, raises awareness of goodness, peace, solidarity, care for man and reforms his personality, preparing him to always be at the service of good.

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