Charlie Chaplin, about life

Charlie Chaplin is one of the most creative and influential characters of the silent film era. He was born 135 years ago on April 16, 1889, and died on December 25, 1977.

Controversy and flattery were ever present in both his public and private life.

These are some of the thoughts he shares with the world:

- I don't really have much patience for beautiful things that have to be explained in order to understand them.

- I am not sure that the public knows what they want. This is a conclusion drawn from my career.

- It seems to me that one of life's ironies is doing the wrong thing at the right moment.

- In the end, everything is a big joke.

- A smile is a tonic, relieves, removes pain.

- Life would be great, if people would leave you alone.

- Life is a tragedy when you see it up close, but a comedy when you see it from afar.

- Nothing is permanent in this evil world – not even troubles.

- The hatred of the people will pass, the dictators will die and the power they took from the people will be returned to them. While people die, freedom will not disappear.

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