Macedonians pretended to be Roma to get a scholarship, but the MES exposed them

After the inspection of the applications of the candidates for scholarships for Roma students for the academic year 2023/2024, through direct contact to ensure the regularity of the student and validation of the declaration of ethnicity to public and private universities, it was found that from the total number of applications ( 149), eight of the candidates signed a statement that they were members of the Roma ethnic community, while when enrolling in a higher education institution they were registered as full-time students, but were declared as members of other ethnic communities, the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education and science, awards scholarships for Roma students which are also public policy and are defined in the Law on Student Standards from the academic year 2015/2016.

Funds for scholarships for Roma students are fully provided by a special budget program of the Ministry of Education and Culture, intended to support the education of Roma, and the purpose of the same is to award them exclusively to members of the Roma ethnic community.

Thanks to this public policy, the number of Roma students in the past 11 years has been increasing significantly, and this is evidenced by the fact that during the academic year 2015/2016 a Competition for the awarding of 30 scholarships was announced, and this academic year 2023/2024 the MES announced Competition for awarding 135 scholarships for Roma students.

All Roma students who meet the conditions for receiving this scholarship have been regularly paid and are currently awaiting the payment of the scholarship for the month of May 2024.



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