How far is the DUP for Topaana, and will those people stay or be dislocated?

As part of the implementation of the European Union funded project "Mapping the Differences in Roma Housing", which is a sub-grant of the project "Support to Legalization of Roma Housing", additional informal information has emerged in informal communication with citizens as well. Topaana, as well as some of the state institutions, is that the current position of the township - Topaana is a "crab wound" in the preparation of the Detailed Urban Plan - DUP.
Knowing the infrastructural situation in Topaana, some of the competent institutions in the country are also prepared on a so-called "Topaana". a lighter variant called Dislocation of this area outside the current framework.

It goes without saying that there is an option to tear down some of those houses that are now gravitating to that area, and to find another "alternative solution for the citizens of Topaana.

Due to the complexity of this problem, an analysis of the whole situation, as well as the development of a plan that may correspond to the above, or the variation of the adopted DUP within the existing infrastructure, will be underway. The state is on the move!

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