Who is Ljupco Palevski - the prime suspect in the double murder

Ljupco Palevski is a controversial businessman and politician whose life path and career go through several different phases and completely opposite roles. Together with famous architects and officials, he is considered one of the creators of the so-called "urban mafia" because his name is first heard on the public stage when the urban plans for Skopje's Debar Maalo are changed and buildings start to sprout from small family houses in the heart of Skopje. And the building on st. "N.N. Borche" in front of which Vanja Gjorchevska was kidnapped was built by Palevski.

A symbol of that "construction" period is the construction of the "Tiffany" building. With it, the boulevard "Partizanski Ordeji" becomes a dead end for a long period of time because it lies on its route from which, according to the plans, it should sink and exit before the so-called Complex Banks. The erection of this building also marks the end of his engagement in this area, for which his strength is given by his familiarity with structures in the SDSM, which at that time was led by Crvenkovski, which later came to light with the fact that he became the first man of the city organization of the party. The new government sees in him an excellent example to execute the pre-election announced justice, but in a strange way the fight ends with the demolition of the attic and studio of one of the built buildings (on "Pirinska" street) thanks to the closeness that was born between him and the then portfolio ministers from Georgievski's cabinet, but also with his childhood acquaintance, Sasho Mijalkov. Those connections last and are useful even in the period when VMRO-DPMNE is at its most powerful, in the time when the party and later the Government were headed by Nikola Gruevski.

Palevski makes several attempts, some more successful and some less successful, to become a media magnate. First of all, after the defeat of SDSM in the 1998 elections, the weekly "Start" was opened with his support, through which a multitude of journalists, "victims" of the revolutionary purge in NIP "Nova Macedonia" passed. The newspaper lasts for a few years, but it goes out of business. He resisted the political pressures from the government at the time, but not the internal irreconcilable differences in the editorial policy, which was effected by the departure of the chief editor Mirka Velinovska and most of the journalistic team in the newly opened weekly newspaper "Zum". Due to the conflict in 2001, his attempt to publish "Global", the first bilingual daily newspaper (in Macedonian and Albanian), failed because the printing press from which several issues were published is located in the center of the conflicts, in Mala Recica. It should be mentioned that after the exponents of the VMRO-DPMNE government openly speak against Blaže Koneski, in order to preserve his image and work, at the suggestion of several academics, to protect it from destruction, he buys the family house of Konevci and forms "Nebregovo" Foundation.

After SDSM came to power again in 2002, Palevski entered the television business by taking over TV Alfa - Skopje, for which the Greek owners (Condominas) failed to obtain a national concession. From it, he creates the first sports television, Channel 4. But it is also short-lived. During that period, he came into conflict with the SDSM government and became its fierce critic.

Palevski, who is an agricultural engineer by profession, a little later, after the arrival of Nikola Gruevski to the top position in the state, he ventured into a completely different business. He moves and lives in Zadar, where he starts producing pellet stoves. But there is also a stain from that business venture because in 2019, due to unpaid accounts, he was arrested in Belgrade on a warrant issued by the official Zagreb and later transferred to Croatia, where he was tried for crimes of a property-legal nature.

In the same period, at the beginning of Gruevski's rule, he was not much in public life. It appears only after he solves the key, personal urban problem and legalizes the Tiffany building. Probably because of the successfully completed work, he became an exponent of the policy of defaming the then opposition led by Zaev. He was used and presented as a public figure with a social democratic background who opposed the policies of the then leadership, especially the support for the "Colored Revolution". He is a frequent guest on shows of the then pro-government media and gives interviews and speaks against the methods of his former party.

After the fall of Gruevski, he uses his extremely close relations with structures from the so-called deep state and through the impeccable contacts he has with top characters from the intelligence and security structures provides access and reconciliation with the angry Zaev. It is not entirely clear whether Palevski provides access to part of the so-called through the same structures or in another way. "bombs" which later, after their delivery to the SJO, continue to be published on social networks. It was assumed that he was hiding under the pseudonym Nikola Tesla, under which numerous "bombshells" were published. At the same time, he is in very close relations with the owner of a portal, recently convicted of blackmail and threats due to material gain.

Around that period, Palevski began to get seriously involved politically and socially. Horrified by the "betrayals" of Macedonia, he enters into cooperation with radical political structures from the right and with high church dignitaries and organizes and leads numerous protests and demonstrations. He is a staunch opponent of the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country and in his public appearances he openly advocates entry into BRICS and closer relations between Macedonia and Russia. He also participated in the last protest in front of the Russian embassy in support of their "special military operation" against Ukraine. After the MOC-OA receives recognition of its autocephaly from the SOC, he, with the blessing of several bishops, begins an "action to save the name of the MOC-OA" and, with the support of his newly founded party, collects signatures for the preservation of the MOC-OA in front of the temples in the country and abroad. OA opposing the next step, obtaining the tomos of autocephaly from the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Three years ago, in September 2020, for unclear reasons, he was physically attacked with metal bars by unknown persons. The attack was preceded by public announcements of wiretapped telephone conversations for which his home was searched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and after a few months, in March 2021, Palevski was charged with divulging an official secret.

Palevski is the founder of the political party Desna and, according to his publicly expressed views on his podcast, he planned to participate in the next elections.

Линк: https://360stepeni.mk/koj-e-lupcho-palevski-prvoosomnichen-za-dvojnoto-ubistvo/




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