Roma integration in Greece

For the 2014-2020 period, Greece will be allocated a total of €15.11 billion in EU funds, out of which €11.86 billion will come from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

At least 28.1% of this amount will be spent on the ESF, with at least 20% of that going towards promoting social inclusion and combating poverty. The latter amount could also finance Roma-related measures.

The Council of Europe estimates that there are approximately 265,000 Roma living in Greece (2.47% of the population).

Greece adopted a national strategic framework for Roma based on the "Integrated action plan for the social integration of Greek gypsies" implemented in 2001-2008. It addresses the key areas of education, employment, healthcare and housing.

It also foresees a territorial approach with four main geographical regions where the largest number of the Roma population are concentrated, namely Eastern Macedonia – Thrace, Western Greece, Central Macedonia and Thessaly.

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