Poverty also increases domestic violence

The rise in domestic violence is an indicator of social conditions and a reflection of the patterns of behavior offered at all levels of society, according to experts, the latest statistics showing worrying numbers.

In the first half of this year, the number of domestic violence crimes increased by 16.1 percent, and domestic violence complaints increased by 3.4 percent.

"Statistics show that every time the conditions in society become more turbulent, more insecure, less certain, poorer, there is an increase in the level of aggression in general, but also in the level of domestic violence."

Social insecurity also increases the propensity for sociological pathological behaviors and tension among the population that overall creates a violent atmosphere.

The pattern of violence is ubiquitous. It starts from a family where communication is completely neglected, which is the first instance of violence. The educational process that begins here is somewhere in deep crisis.

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