Personal view - "Keeping the people in misery and ignorance is the worst form of violence" Mahatma Gandhi

One of the key problems in our society is the violence that has determined the fate of many over the last three decades. but also for future generations. It is mostly used by those in positions. Unfortunately, violence has also become a legitimate form of behavior and confrontation with dissenters and people who do not want to submit to those in position.
One of those who have best embraced structural violence is Mahatma Ganda who said: "Keeping people in misery and ignorance is the worst form of violence"

And this is exactly what is happening to our people.
Structural violence is a form of violence where the state. they make society insufficient and adequate with sufficient conditions for every person and society. . When referring to the state and society, the justice system refers to state institutions. NGOs, trade unions, etc.
They all have a kind of acting position. It's actually the following:

1. They do not enforce laws at any level and are brought as if the world had begun since they were in power, and that they use the regulations when it suits them, discriminate, disregard procedures, etc.
2. The government does not change laws that discriminate against individuals or groups, or make new ones where people are treated unequally.
3. The government makes laws that meet their needs, not the needs of the citizens.
4. The government adopts laws and enforces procedures where it manipulates the public with confidential information and paints a false picture of well-being or the danger of depending on their needs.
5. The government does not do enough to stop or punish any form of violence and discrimination.
6. The government does not provide an equal opportunity environment for all. Most do not care about minorities, but only satisfy their needs.
7. Some individuals become legitimate and legal without having to bear any responsibility or guilt.

This is just a small fraction of the examples listed to illustrate the perception of such a way of functioning. What they can promise us is that they will fight by all means to put an end to all forms of violence, that the voice of the discriminated, the minority, and the marginalized will be heard, which no one comes to when they need it most.

Definitely not all of us as ordinary people will be hurt if we are victims of those who are open enemies to us. You cannot expect a friendly relationship from them. But it really hurts people that you have given them the confidence to lead us and treat their people as their greatest enemy, all in the name of self-interest.

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