Deportation of two Roma women from Tutlingen, Germany after staying 20 years or more!

They were deported to Serbia on 27.09.2019.
Both women were deported without passports, only with EU paper (DIN A4 photo paper). They do not speak Serbian either. For the first time, they are separated from the family.
The family lives in Tutlingen.

In Belgrade, both girls have problems: they do not have a valid passport, only deportation paper.
They don't even have a residence address. They are literally left on the street. Meanwhile, one of the brothers of the two sisters came to Serbia. Their residence status is unclear. Lawyers say they are threatened with arrest because they have no documents.

They suspect this deportation is a politically motivated decision.

According to the Baden-Württemberg Police Act, deportations may not take place before 4am in the period from April 1 to September 30, 2019.

In addition, you are not allowed to get the keys from the landlord of the apartment without his permission. In the event of deportation, the police cannot, without the will of the tenants or the owners, enter without a court order.

Both girls were employed!

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