Is it true or fake? Macedonians are hired for job placement for nationalities!

Whether it's getting real or fake info needs to be rethought! These days, information has appeared on the social networks with an edited image showing a Public Service Announcement for Administrative Officers.
It clearly states that a Junior Associate for Legal Affairs in one of the Public Health Institutions in Skopje is choosing a candidate for Roma populace who does not correspond with his / her full name and surname to be Roma.

At that edited information just below the job Junior Public Procurement Associate at the same Public Institution an Albanian national candidate is selected who does not correspond to his / her first name and surname!

One rhetorical question then arises that discussion and commentary develop. Is this some fake info, and if not, should this whole situation be re-examined?
It is a well-known public secret that there are similar situations when enrolling in faculties throughout the country to declare someone non-Roma etc as Roma only to be able to enroll on the guaranteed enrollment quota.
Unfortunately, this is not the first or the last case!

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