Raznatovic opened wedding gifts: When they counted the money - 300,000 euros!

One day after the wedding of Veljko and Bogdana Raznatovic, the money was counted, ie the envelopes of the religious gifts were examined.

As the Serbian Telegraph writes, at the glamorous wedding of 480 guests, the newlyweds received about 300 thousand euros and many more valuable gifts.

They already had a plan to spend the money, and they also heard advice from Ceca, who heads the family.

-The young people after the wedding were happy that they had passed as well as they had imagined. When it came time to open the envelopes, Ceca, who was counting the money with them, was also called. Most of the envelopes had between 500 and 1,000 euros and some as high as 2000 euros.

When they gathered, they realized that they had about 300,000 euros, a source close to the Raznatovic family said, adding that the youth had not hoped for that figure.

-It's no wonder that Veljko and Bogdan got so much money as a gift, because Ceca always went to weddings, always carrying a good amount of money as a gift. I can't say they were not surprised when they realized how much they got, but that doesn't mean to them.

The most important thing for Veljko, Bogdana and Ceca is that the celebration justified the synonym "wedding of the century" - concludes the well-known source.

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