Suto Orizari Women Initiative asks: Will women from Suto Orizari be left without a gynecologist again?

On 22.01.2020, prior to the practice of Dr. Vjolce Mbjara, we received a notification that the practice was relocated to another municipality, in the settlement of Singelic. Dr. Vjolce's practice in Suto Orizari is currently closed.

We ask the Minister of Health, Mr. Venko Filipce, is there a solution for this burning problem? Is there a new contract with another gynecologist working in the municipality? If not, we warn of the adverse effects on the reproductive health of Roma women. We also remind that infant mortality among the Roma population is significantly higher than that of the non-Roma population.

We, the women of Suto Orizari, appeal to the competent institutions - the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to find a solution to overcome this long-standing problem.
Like all women, we, Romani women, have the right to equal and unhindered access to reproductive health services, according to the Shuto Orizari Women's Initiative response.

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