Western Balkans: Every 10 high school students think that Roma should not be equal

Every tenth high school student believes that Roma do not need to be equal to other citizens, where the percentage indicates that there is a significant distance to this minority among a certain number of high school students.Otherwise, the situation with the Roma in the Western Balkans is very bad. A 2017 survey of the situation of Roma and Roma women in the Western Balkans found violations of the most basic rights, such as health, education, housing and employment. As a result, as many as 65% of young Roma and Roma aged 18 to 21 do not have primary education. Otherwise, the inequality between Roma and non-Roma children is expressed from the earliest age in the preschool period and throughout their lives they face various forms of social injustice. It is also noted that according to UNDP, 40% of Roma girls between the ages of 20 and 49 mention marriage before the age of 18, which means that on average one in three Roma women marry before the age of 18.

Link: https://direktno.rs/vesti/drustvo-i-ekonomija/281969/svaki-10-srednjoskolac-misli-da-romi-ne-treba-da-budu-ravnopravni.html?fbclid=IwAR2uErlOClDgkB_jf8VDpz8Du8RIIW42B9ndySMaFVahcg8FYkH8IFBK-pk

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