Uzice: A Serbian woman hired a detective to investigate whether the boy who was having fun with her daughter was Roma!

A post appeared on the social network Twitter that shocked the citizens of Serbia.

She hired a detective to investigate whether the boy who was having fun with her daughter was Roma!

This happened in Uzice, and the woman hired a detective from Kraljevo to find out more details about the family of the boy who was having fun with her daughter.

On her tweet, a certain Zagorka Drdinka announced:

"I was surprised today. I was shocked when a friend told me that there were hundreds of hidden Roma in Uzice, who are not known to be who they are. She hired an agency from Kraljevo to expose her daughter's boyfriend. to penetrate deeper into the family by descent. The woman froze when she discovered that all mothers were Roma. Would you look indifferent when your daughter or son has fun with a Roma or a Roma? ”

This tweet literally "ignited social media to a greater extent with comments that this is pure racism.



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