Interesting facts about India that you probably do not know

According to the area of ​​its territory, this country is on the seventh place in the world (3,287,263 km2) with about 1.2 billion inhabitants.

New Delhi is the capital of India and the second most populous city in the world

In India there is a house at an altitude of 5,500 meters

India has never invaded another country in its history

Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world

The state of India is the largest democracy in the world, the seventh largest by territory and one of the oldest civilizations

India is home to the world's largest family, a man with 39 wives and 94 children

India is a federation consisting of 28 states and seven federal territories.

India is the country with the largest number of post offices in the world.

The largest employer is Indian Railways, which employs over one million people

The biggest movie industry is in India. About 1,100 films are produced annually, twice as many as in the United States and ten times as many as in the United Kingdom.

Chess was invented in India

The largest school in the world is located in India and has 45,000 students.

It is an interesting fact that Indian women carry and store as much as 11% of the total gold in the country. It is more than the national treasury of the United States, Switzerland and Germany combined.

There is a man in India who claims that he has not eaten anything for 70 years.

After a series of tests, doctors still do not have an explanation for that phenomenon.

Indian police officers are financially motivated by the state to wear mustaches

There are some weird professions in India like street cleaning

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