Jey Ramadanovski helps the poor in Belgrade's Dorcol neighborhood: "Every night he buys bread from the bakery to feed the hungry"

The famous singer always buys the pastry left over from the nearby bakery before dawn and distributes it to those who do not have bread. . He says he remembers very well the days he spent and did not want others to live that way.

He did not want to talk about the humanitarian actions but others say that Jay's step in the neighborhood where he lives in Dorchol.

- Every time before the end of the night shift around two o'clock in the morning, Jey Comes and buys everything that is left unsold from the bread and pastries. He puts it in bags and then hangs them next to the containers where most of the poor Roma then take it. That person also does it often during the day.

Even when he is sick, his people do it on his orders.

The others say that and the modest Jay only confirmed it. I do, but not only me but also my close friends from Dorchol.

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