Bulgaria: Cambridge Documentary - Where's the Exception - in Education or Attitudes?

Northwest Bulgaria is the poorest region in all of Europe. But right there, on the banks of the Danube, in the village of DolniCibar, a cultural phenomenon is observed - 90% of the inhabitants are Roma with a serious and real desire for education, which is why the village was nicknamed "Roma Cambridge".

Retirees, children, parents - everyone learns and wants to learn, they know about Harvard and are convinced that education is most important. They learn about themselves, "expect nothing from anyone", are aware of propaganda and do not vote because they do not want to be "used" and "bought with kebabs". Otherwise, some politicians surround them, but the problems in the area are old and serious.

As the saying goes, "Walk in the water, you go thirsty." They live on the Danube, but they pump water, and it is polluted and they suffer a lot from diseases. However, they are not transmitted. Their homes are modest but clean and cozy. Almost all of them are evangelists, they go to church regularly, the pastor comforts them with sermons for good and evil.

They are learning English with 25-year-old Anatoli, who is of mixed descent. He lives in Vulhidron and has been traveling 18 kilometers a day for five years to teach in DolniCibar.

The script is by AsenVladimirov, and the director is Eldora Traikova


Link: https://bnt.bg/bg/a/keymbridzh?fbclid=IwAR3JvS-h_Nj19itWEQnMjrqBRmZ7PSJhgZYkvV0__fdTseo9UV1ecH_t9mg

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