Nis: Another winter without shelter for "street children"

The street shelter for children in Nis functioned as a project. During the five years of work on that facility in Nis, about 200 children passed through it. Some of them were from Nis, while some were in transit. It was not a facility where they just passed by, drank tea and warmed up. Many of the children also received their own ID number, vaccine or health card for the first time.

They bothered some, and others felt sorry for them, and there were those who were afraid of them. They did not care how they saw the "others" but it was important for them to spend the day to the end. These "street children" came mostly from dysfunctional families, most of them from Roma settlements. This winter, as well as a few previous ones, these children will not have the opportunity to hide where it will get cold. Another winter in Nis there will be no shelter for those children.

- While this shelter was functioning, we managed to register those children on the street, to make them legally visible. Now that this shelter would be operational, the main priority would be to strengthen the biological family through various programs, to give the parent more responsibility and skills, and the "street children" who beg to be returned to normal life - said Bosko Aleksic, former coordinator of this project.


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