Instagram has new terms and conditions against hate speech in private messages

On the 10th of February on the blog of Instagram, it was published that they have updated their terms and conditions on hate speech, especially in the direct messaging within their application. This novelty came after the recent incidents of racial comments directed towards footballers from the United Kingdom.

„Since the private messages are for private conversations, we do not use any software which will proactively detect content which contains hate speech, however, we are able to create steps to prevent such behavior”, as said by developers in Instagram. After this update, any individual which breaks the rules and terms on what is allowed to be sent in the private messages, his profile will not be able to send messages for a certain amount of time. If this user is continuously sending such messages, then his profile will be completely blocked. Also, any profiles created with the intent to find a loophole within the new terms and conditions and also those profiles which are created with the goal to spread hate speech will be blocked.

Regarding the implementation of these new rules, Instagram states that they will cooperate with the authorities from the United Kingdom.

The full announcement can be read on the following link.


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