Public reaction of the Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions to the Ombudsman, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Interior

The Advocacy Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions on the occasion of the event that occurred on April 11 in the settlement Trajanovo Trlo in Kocani sent its Public Reaction to both the public and the state institutions that need to deal with this case. His public reaction was also sent to the Ombudsman and Mr. Naser Ziberi, the Public Prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski and the Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski. The reaction will be forwarded to the international institutions.

Read the doccument in PDF format

The reaction itself says:



The Advocacy Network for Systemic and Permanent Solutions condemns the event and calls on the institutions to act upon the voice and to react immediately and act appropriately for physical and other abuse of a minor in Kochni in the place called Trajanov Trlona on 11.04.2021. We call for a speedy resolution of the cases and prevention of major incidents and disruption of interethnic intolerance. We call on the competent judicial authorities, immediately and in full, to implement the Law correctly, quickly and without prejudice, regardless of those involved in the heinous event in the above-mentioned place.


With respect

On behalf of the members of the Advocacy Network for systemic and sustainable solutions for integration of the Roma from the Republic of Northern Macedonia:


  1. Association Initiative for Social Changes InSoC - Skopje
  2. Association for Roma Rights - Stip
  3. Association Roma Business Informative Center of Macedonia - ARBICM - Skopje
  4. National Roma Center - NRC - Kumanovo
  5. Women Organization - Stip
  6. Roma Progress - Skopje
  7. Roma Organization of Women of Macedonia - Daja - Kumanovo
  8. Roma Tear - Prilep
  9. Roma Educative Center - Umbrella - Skopje
  10. Humanitarian and Charity Association of Roma Mesechina - Gostivar
  11. Center for Development of the Roma Community “Bairska Svetlina” - Bitola
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