BiH-Zenica: Zenica water supply system massively discriminates against Roma from Banlozi settlement

This company disconnected the entire settlement of Banlozi from the water supply network, by cutting the main water pipe on the main shaft. In that way, he discriminates against all citizens in the Banlozi neighborhood because it has never happened before that the whole neighborhood is disconnected from water.

But JP Vodovod i Kanalizacija was found guilty and with a court decision they were ordered to stop further discrimination of citizens of Roma nationality and also to cover court costs in the amount of about 1000 euros within 15 days.

This is a first instance verdict, which means that the parties covered by this verdict have an appeal first.

A total of 456 Roma families with more than 200 members live in the Roma settlement of Banlozi, including 100 minor children and over 10 pregnant women.

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