The gynecological practice Dr. Boskovski in Suto Orizari started working

The initiative of women from Suto Orizari informed that the gynecological practice of Dr. Boskovski in the ambulance in Suto Orizari has started working.

The working hours of the Gynecological Practice are from Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 15:00, and on Wednesday from 12:00 to 20:00.

The office works with a previously scheduled examination. Examinations are scheduled at the counter or on the phone number: 02 2658 688

At the same time, the Women's Initiative from Suto Orizari noted that if you need additional information about gynecological examinations, you can ask their paramedics who are in the field every day or come to the premises of the Youth Center "I want to know" located in the clinic in Suto Orizari, or you can call the phone number: 02 2651 955

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