Saban Bajramovic at the most famous museum exhibition in America

The famous Blues Delta Mississippi Museum sent a letter to the project manager of the Jazz Festival in Nishville, Jelena Ivanjac, in which he expressed his intention and desire to organize an exhibition for the musician Saban Bajramovic, known as the King of Roma Music.

The museum is dedicated to exploring the history and heritage of the unique American musical art form of the blues. The museum is located in the city of Clarksdale - the center of blues culture from the 1920s and is the oldest music museum in the country.

Many now legendary music artists were born and raised in and around Clarksdale, such as Maddie Waters, Johnon Lee Hooker, Son House, Ike Turner, Jackie Branston, Sam Cook, junior Parker, and W. Х. Handy, among them.

According to the communication with the management of the festival in Nishville, the Executive Director of the Delta Blues Museum, Shelley Ritter, sent a letter to Jelena Ivanjev on May 5, in which he expressed interest in organizing an exhibition on behalf of the museum. Mississippi Delta region.


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