Czech Republic: Misinformation and fake news, Roma have free medicine and entry to the pools!

Roma do not have to pay for medicines, have free entrance to the pool, some want to limit the health care of the elderly, and the lymph node parasite appears in the curtains and respirators. Examples of some fake news that are currently spreading an avalanche on social networks. Zdenik Ryazav, director of the non-profit organization Romea, and Janusz Koniechni, an analyst at the Czech Pirate Party, accepted the invitation for discussion. Both have long dealt with the topic of misinformation and related fraud. "We can explain to people indefinitely to check the sources, but that is not enough. In some situations, we need to intervene. We can then face charges of censorship. But is it censorship or self-defense? ", Mentioned Zdenik Ryazav in the discussion.Pirates often react to misinformation, but they themselves have become a common target in recent months. According to Janusz Koniechni, this is probably related to the party's success in the election polls.

"I think that some measures can help reduce misinformation, for example, social networks can better cooperate with the police and the public prosecutor's office," said Janusz Koniechni.



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