Mehelen: The exhibition in the Dosin barracks has the goal to break the stigma regarding the Roma: "We are just human like everyone else"

In the Dosin Barracks in Mechelen there is an exhibition which started from the 15th of June, the exhibition titled as “Reflections – Roma in Belgium”. The exhibition shows the portraits of nine individuals of the Roma community. These portraits are a work of the “AP Hoges” students in Antwerpen, intended to eliminate the prejudices towards the Roma, often called as Gypsies.

“This exhibition showed that we are just people, just like everyone else”, says the woman from one of the portraits Merima from Borgerhaut.

During World War II, 353 Roma were deported from the Dosin barracks in Mechelen in Auschwitz-Birkenau because they were Roma. Today, many prejudices against the diverse community still exist and the term "Gypsies" is still misused.



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