Serbia: Every second young person would like to study in Serbia, a third was a victim of violence and half of them are depressed

More than a third of young people in Serbia have suffered physical and digital violence, almost three-quarters verbally, 21 per cent of girls have been victims of sexual violence and compared to last year, the number of those exposed to some form of discrimination has increased. Serbia, which dealt with the safety and health of young people, writes RTS.

Poor family relationships, lenient penal policies and the absence of important social values ​​have been identified as causes of violence. When it comes to health, the stress at work and during education, irregular physical activity, but also the state of the environment are the worst assessed.

- As causes of violence this year we can see some trends and patterns that are repeated. Bad family relations, poor penal policy, the decline and absence of social values ​​in the country, the ubiquity and relativization of media violence - all contribute to the insecurity felt by young people. "When it comes to the type of violence they often suffer, although most said it was verbal, digital as a relatively new type of violence, especially among younger age groups, it is extremely dominant and important to address," said Miljana Pejic, secretary general. of the Roof Youth Organization of Serbia (KOMS)



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