Reaction of the Association Initiative for Women's Rights from Suto Orizari

Association Initiative for Women's Rights from Suto Orizari reacts most strongly to the latest developments in the attack on the Roma nurse S.S. by the gynecologist dr. T.M. According to the media statements of the victim's lawyer, a verdict was obtained where the gynecologist was found guilty, but the Medical Chamber has not yet taken appropriate sanctions against the perpetrator.

We are surprised how it is possible for the victim to be further victimized by being forced to work in the same shift with the abuser! This case is discrimination against women, especially Roma women, and has a discouraging and demotivating effect on their further employment and equality in society.

We, the Suto Orizari Women's Rights Initiative, have been fighting for the advancement of Roma women in all spheres of life for many years, and that is why we ask Dr. Komara to act and sanction the perpetrator in accordance with the legal regulations and the medical code of ethics.

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