Does Roma culture have Indian civilizational roots?

The Roma community, which mostly lives in Europe and Balkans but has a diaspora presence worldwide, stands cheek by jowl with India culturally, genetically, linguistically, physically, socially, spiritually and emotionally. History made them our brothers and sisters but destiny put them geographically afar. The centuries-old prejudices and stereotypes against Roma have blurred the understanding of Romani culture that, therefore, has been seen in negative parlance.

The cultural history of the Roma community is composed of the routes they have treaded during their perennial relocation or dislocation rather than the traditional vestiges they had left behind. The changes in the customs, rituals and behavioral patterns of Roma are constantly taking place, mainly because of their constant migration to different countries, transition to modern societies, assimilation and integration with the local population. Nonetheless, a number of Romani groups in several regions/countries manifest and preserve centuries-old ethnic cultural heritage including norms, beliefs, traditional values and practices.



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