Another nebula on the Informer portal and the journalist Dragan J Vučivić at the expense of the uninformed Roma from Belgrade

The question was always raised whether Dragan J Vučivić is a normal person. Another news article (dez)Informer, which pushes the Roma people into a total nebula. Will anyone react? The Informer portal and the journalist Dragan J Vučivić, at the expense of the uninformed Roma from Belgrade, made a text where he presented the new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to the Roma from the Roma settlements around Belgrade, who presented him to the Roma as having Roma roots.

The reaction of the Roma from Belgrade conveys them in their own way. According to his text, the Roma reacted like this:

"Finally, one of ours succeeds in life", Here we are waiting for our Rishi to be prime minister, "I know him, he is a good man, I wish him luck"

Other Roma from Karaburma reportedly said: "I don't know him personally, but I hope that now we Roma will be better off."

In the conversation with the other Roma, they allegedly told the journalist that the whole settlement celebrated when they found out that Rishi had become the Prime Minister of Britain.

PS If it wasn't sad it would be funny


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