In the Macedonian Assembly, a meeting of the Inter-Party Parliamentary Group on the topic: "Challenges faced by Roma women in the RNM".

Yesterday, in the Assembly of the Council of Ministers, we held a working meeting with the Inter-Party Parliamentary Group for supporting the rights of the Roma, their inclusion and integration and the Committee for Relations between Communities, on the topic,

"Challenges faced by Roma women in RNM"

Through the discussion of the participants of the meeting, we concluded that Roma women have many challenges, especially in the area of ​​homelessness, lack of personal documentation, health, employment. The fact of double discrimination, which Roma women constantly face, on the basis of ethnicity and on the basis of gender, is also worrying.

In the following period, we will launch a series of activities, which will contribute to the improvement of the situation in which Roma women find themselves, according to the information published on FB by MP Ljatifa Šikovska

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