Roma were again not free to state their nationality in the 2022 census in Serbia

The Opra Roma Serbia movement expressed its dissatisfaction a week ago at the press conference "The Roma were again not free to declare their nationality in the 2022 census".

The conference is being organized on the occasion of the completion of the population census and the potential results of the census related to the Roma population.

One of the topics of the conference was the proposal of the Republic Institute of Statistics and the National Council of the Roma National Minority to hire Roma assistant enumerators, which was an inappropriate solution in the census of the Roma community, as well as untrue statements that came out to the public that the Roma have a record number of them. . On the other hand, RŽS came out with a false announcement to the public that there were no reported irregularities in the census.

They demanded that the RSO and the NSRNM urgently make a statement on the issue of Roma assistants and the possible implications of an insufficient number of them on the Roma community, as well as to take responsibility for the unrealistic results of the census.



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