The Ustashas counted the dead Roma on wagons; The exact number of those killed in Jasenovac is not known because no list was kept

In the hands of the German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the published book in English "The suffering of the Roma in Jasenovac" by Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Ackovic, member of the International Truth Commission for Jasenovac and Member of Parliament. Ackovic presented the book to Steinmeier at the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the installation of the monument to the Roma and Sinti, victims of the Second World War.

Ackovic is preparing a new book about the Roma who passed through the Jasenovac camp system, for which, he says, historian Dr. Gideon Greif will write a foreword.

- There are no exact figures on how many Roma were killed in Jasenovac, but some estimates show that there were 60,000 to 80,000 - says Atskovic.

- These figures are logical if you know that in the 1931 census one of the questions was "what is your mother tongue" and that only in Drina Banovina 14,700 people declared that they speak "Roma". And it is known that only one in four Roma people said so. Everyone in the NDH was killed. In 1948, there were officially only 408 Roma in Croatia.



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