The initiative of Romani women from Shuto Orizari promoted two publications about Romani women

The Roma women's initiative from Shuto Orizari and the Hera organization promoted two publications about the Roma community with an emphasis on Roma women and everyday problems. One of the publications is about the systemic challenges faced by Roma women in exercising their health and social rights, made as a study in the activities of the service and legal aid cases in the municipality of Sh. Orizari.

In this publication, there are eight cases presented by these organizations that Romani women faced and were noted by Hera and the Women's Initiative of S. Orizari.

In the last ten years, the Initiative for Women from Shuto Orizari, together with Hera, produced cards for evaluation of the quality of work in the field of reproductive health of Roma women from this municipality every year. This year, these organizations promoted publications titled "10 years of comparative analysis within the framework of the two organizations Hera and the Women's Initiative funded by Open Society Macedonia."

You can view the analyzes on their web pages or in the premises of the Women's Initiative office, which is located in the outpatient clinic in Shuto Orizari in the I WANT TO KNOW Center, as well as more services offered by these two organizations to improve the Roma women's standard and the Roma community both in Sh. Orizari and in Skopje.





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