Some Roma celebrated Bibijako Divе on January 31

According to folk beliefs, Bibija bestows health, progress and happiness on all Roma children throughout the year.

Roma people celebrate in their homes until late in the evening with a rich meal and numerous guests because, as tradition says, aunt Bibi is a symbol of an open Roma household and a confirmation that "goodness always returns good".

According to popular belief, Bibijako is a deity who lives in the forest or in a high mountain. The Invisible One visits homes and rows at night, and shows himself only to a few people who are distinguished by exceptional virtues.

Aunt Bibija is a religious holiday that is celebrated by some Roma who live in Serbia, who are of the Orthodox faith, but also Orthodox Roma around the world. Bibija is celebrated as a healer and protector of the family, and especially as a protector of children's health. Every place or city has its own special date for celebration, which is explained by the legend about Aunt Bibi, who arrived at different places on different dates and performed healings.

The Romani language "bibi" means aunt, aunt and midwife, and the diminutive in that word is "bibidžori".



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