R. North Macedonia: In 1371 state institutions there are 128,879 employees, of which 1,584 or 1.44% are Roma.

In four ministries, the representation of ethnic Macedonians is 70% of the total number of employees. In 7 departments, the representation of ethnic Albanians is over 30%, writes Portalb.mk.

In the new report from the Register of Employees in the Public Sector in 2023, it is noted that last year 128,879 people worked under the state cap in a total of 1,371 institutions.

Of the total number of employees in the public sector last year, according to the ethnic "key", 70.5% were Macedonians, almost 22.1% ethnic Albanians, 2.6% Turks, and the rest of the communities, Roma, Serbs, Bosniaks, Vlachs, were represented. by less than 2%. In the public sector, out of 128,879 employees, where 1,584 or 1.44% are Roma

Even in 2023, there are big differences in the representation of ethnic communities in the ministries. The new annual data show that in 4 departments the representation of ethnic Macedonians is over 70%: in the Ministry of Agriculture almost 73%, in the Ministry of Defense 74.7%, in the Ministry of Transport and Communications 71.3% and in the Ministry of Labor and social policy representation of 71%.

On the other hand, in the Ministry of Political System, ethnic Albanians are represented by 84.71%. Behind this department are the Ministry of Economy with 49.25% and the Ministry of Local Self-Government with a representation of 41.51%. There is more than 30% representation of ethnic Albanians in the Ministry of Environment 38%, the Ministry of Education 37.8% and the Ministry of Justice 38.02%.

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