Column by Andriano Djeladin Roma News: Collectivity or individualism?

In recent days, months, years, social networks have been commenting on how Roma can find fault with Roma in order to harm some people's authority, influence both on a personal and professional level, and what is the most tragic of all this they write it in the Macedonian language, so that Macedonians can also applaud us for our internal Roma disagreements.

They point out who is worth more, for more likes and comments on FB, but that is not the real measure of your visibility, nor a measure of how influential you are, and every time the discussion is aimed at taking over the collective interests, but unfortunately they continue they work on individual interests, and with that is measured who is worth how much.

It is understandable that each of us has our own individual values, but that value needs to be directed towards each other, and thus we know how we can use our individualism in the collective interest, and once and for all work in the interest of the community because in our discussions, the community is always in the last place, and others discriminate us, segregate us and we are still invisible in society, and what do we do as a collective or individuals to change that image? (We drive the nail even deeper).

As individuals, we should first ask ourselves, before we enter into a discussion out of ignorance, and just spend our time on social networks, why are we in this situation today?

The responsibility or the question should be directed towards the people for whom we voted in some elections, if they are of a local nature, we should refer to the Mayor, if it is national, from the people we voted for in the parliamentary elections

For those people we voted for, they have the greatest responsibility and to answer our questions about why our community is in this state now, because they created the discussion with their partners from Kalisia, how to improve the life of the Roma in the country. , they should say why it is blocked, what is the reason, and why the implementation is unsuccessful, is there any problem why the community is not advanced in the system solutions in inclusion, or in general maybe the current policies are implemented by incompetent people? And now that the community, through various initiatives, through fresh energy, is trying to change the narrative, are other political parties waking up from their deep sleep, and entering the discussions with criticism of the new fresh energy?

They need to understand that they had such strength and power, that they could do so far, because that time was different, where the non-Roma were offered some jobs to change their personal situation, but not to the community, and that's why we wonder do we see the interest of «Collectivity or individualism». If we look at collectivism, then it's time for them to come out and say from experience that they really made a mistake in some things, and that the new young fresh energy, the initiative is needed not to repeat those mistakes, so that the future generations who want to do not go the same way results collective for their community. And I will finish this column with one more thing, which in recent days came out as official - unofficial information, that the president of PCER, Mr. Samka Ibraimovski, will run in the next elections as a presidential candidate of the state. On the one hand, it is good to have a Roma candidate, but we need to think about whether this will show the mainstream parties how much the Roma votes are worth, or will it be harmful to the Roma electorate? Let me explain: If all the Roma really stand behind that candidacy and that will show how things stand for the Parliamentary elections, how big the Roma electorate is and it will represent a firm benchmark, but do we believe that all the Roma political parties will stand behind that candidate in the first round (why it won't even get further), and knowing the faction that happens when non-Roma people attach great importance to us and pat us on the shoulder, we very quickly forget the collectivity, and adapt to individual interests, so that they can finish their personal affairs. .

On the other hand, if he is running as a Roma candidate who is known as "deja vu", as is Samka Ibraimvski, someone out of spite and anger will not work with his membership in support of his candidacy, and imagine now, a Roma candidate who has only for example 7,000 votes, what message will be sent to the mainstream parties for the Parliamentary elections?


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